Digital Prototyping 01

Working to develop a short fun project using bio materials and the lasercutter

The first class focussing on how you can work with biomaterials and a laser cutter to create some type of product. I worked together with Manuja and these past 2 weeks have been interesting

Discovering Biomaterials

The first thing we were determined to explore were different types of biomaterials and the interity of these. We started by making a small test batch of various samples using gelatine as the base. We wanted a rigid material as the goal was to create a plastic like material. The tests went well and we ended up with one sample we found ideal. Next step was to create a larger batch to make the final product and this caused many issues. 

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Sample Batch 1

Using wool and gelatine

Recipe Batch 1:

- Water 240ml
- Gelatine 48 g
- Glycerol 0 g - for a rigid effect
- Wool - to ensure it stays together


1. Heat water on stove and add powdered gelatine. Continue heating until almost boiling, let all the gelatine dissolve
2. Add glycerol now if you are using it
3. Lay wool on your mold, your mold should be acrylic or hard plastic when using gelatine
4. Allow mixture to cool slightly and then pour into mold
5. Let dry for around 2 days at room temperature

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Sample Batch 2

Using gelatine, goat hair. This one had the best structure in the end. So we continued with this recipe.

Recipe Batch 2:

- Water 240ml
- Gelatine 48 g
- Glycerol 2 g - for a rigid effect (added after first 2 tests)
- Goats hair - to ensure it stays together
- Myca powder red - add whatever type of colouring agent you want
- Oil - for combatting breakage when using little glycerol


1. Heat water on stove and add powdered gelatine.
Continue heating until almost boiling, let all the gelatine dissolve
2. Add glycerol, oil and myca powder now
3. Lay hair on your mold, your mold should be acrylic or hard plastic when using gelatine
4. Allow mixture to cool slightly and then pour into mold
5. Let dry for around 2 days at room temperature

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Big Batch Try 1

Sadly, when we came in the day after the pour, it turned out that the material lifted on one side. We determined that this could be due to a few different reasons, the first being that the pour was on the thinner size so it ended up drying quite quickly which could have caused the lift seen. Next to that there might be just not enough glycerin with makes the material rigid and more prone to breakage.

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Big Batch Try 2

This time we took into account what went wrong in the first large batch and added glycerine and oil to combat the deformation. This time everything seemed to be going well and we left for the weekend with the material still dying. however, when we came in on Monday the material had developed severe mold. Now looking back this must be due to the one day we covered it while it was drying. 

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Re-evaluating and Pivoting

From these tests we learned a lot, however as the results kept going wrong we decided to pivot and go back to the first large batch we used. With this material we cut it into smaller pieces so that we could then laser cut a smaller version of our model. The model itself is shown to the right. We then went through the process of cutting and using press fits to bring our product together. Below the process can be seen.

The Process

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Grasshopper for parametric design, files can be found in repo
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Lasercutting the pieces
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Final miniature design using press fits

Reflecting on Module 1

I didn't know what to expect from this seminar and the past weeks has already taught me quite a lot. While with this specific module I did not focus on my end project I had fun exploring various themes that have interested me in the past. From how can we use bio materials in everyday objects to creating shared knowledge for local production.

I would say we struggled quite a bit throughout the process as Manuja and I chose to make a rigid structure that needed to be able to stand up. This led to the struggle of playing around with the amount of glycerin and oil to keep the material from cracking and disforming. I really do like the idea of how people at home can use things in their kitchen to make new products for at home use and that is why I wanted to focus on a lamp. 

With the idea that multiple people could potentially learn from us and use our models I wanted to keep the repo and also create parametric designs that could be altered to users specifications. This was a steep learning curve as I had never done this before. It was something that took getting used to but now that I understand better how grasshopper works it would be nice to use in projects that could vary depending on the situation.

All in all I feel the first module of digital prototyping focussed on personal exploration and the rediscovery of themes that I find important. Next to that it was a lot of fun playing around with biomaterials and trying to get specific results that would work well in the laser cutter. 

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